MIDI to AdLib Converter Copyright(C) 1991, Patch Panel Software, All Rights Reserved Patch Panel Software has developed a MIDI-to-AdLib converter that is very successful converting MIDI standard files to AdLib's .ROL file format. This is no small feat considering MIDI is for all intents and purposes a 32-bit timing standard while AdLib's hardware and software imposes a 16-bit timing standard. The converter routinely tolerates the 480 Tick-per-beat resolution frequently found in MIDI files. See ADROL1.EXE, ADROL2.EXE, and ADROL3.EXE for self-extracting libraries of over forty files as examples of the converter's work. Very large files can be converted. So far no MIDI file has been found to be too large for the converter, although theoretically one could be. Pieces 16-20 minutes long are easily converted. The output files are fully compatible with AdLib's Composer(tm) program for editing. They can be used wherever .ROL files are used (Composer(tm), JukeBox(tm), PopTunes(tm)). In a test of over 50 MIDI files, the converter produced useful conversions for over 85% of the files. The unsuccessful conversions fell roughly equally into 2 categories: junk music and too complex music. Junk means it was bad to begin with. Too complex means the files required too many voices, often 20-30 voices versus AdLib's 9-11. This is an excellent tool for any AdLib user who wants to collect music for playback on their AdLib boards. Editing files is slow; converting files is fast. If you purchase shareware disks of MIDI files, the price is under 60 cents per useable tune. There is a wide assortment of MIDI music available, and the work is generally more ambitious work than AdLib users typically see. The converter is also a good tool for MIDI users who want to tap this market with their work. You can scan the file to get a report of the contents to help you plan your conversion. You also get rolplayr.exe, a program to play .ROL files without the burden of a graphics interface for easier testing. Multi-track files are no problem. Tempo and tick-per-beat can be adjusted. Patch-to-instrument mapping gives you control over the instrument selection for program changes. Volume control is also supported. The converter costs $25.00 (Fla. add $1.75 tax). A 30-page document is included. Specify disk size. Hard disk recommended. Patch Panel Software 11590 Seminole Blvd. Seminole, FL 34648 813-397-3530